eMa - Rebranding

Auszeichnung Shortlist
Kategorie Design
Unterkategorie Corporate Design

Anzahl Arbeitsteile

  • 1. Teil
    eMa: Case Study Video
  • 2. Teil
    eMa: Dynamic Logos
  • 3. Teil
    eMa: M Variations
  • 4. Teil
    eMa: Graphic Guidelines
  • 5. Teil
    eMa: Keyvisual
  • 6. Teil
    eMa: Signage



Founded in 1983, eMa, Switzerland's first non-classical/jazz music school, has evolved to encompass all contemporary music. With 500 students, it's moving to a renovated Geneva building and needed a complete rebranding.


Its brand identity, with the 'M' logo in 100+ variations, reflects music's diversity, ensuring recognizability across all forms, embodying its broad musical embrace.



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