ADC*E High Potentials 2019 – Call for candidates
03.09.2019 12:54
As part of the ADCE 2019 European Creativity Festival, the High Potentials session is an event where 25 young European creative talents present their best work to top agency creatives and HR managers, as well as the general public for a chance to find new career opportunities. Every young creative will have a limited time (5’) on stage and a possibility to participate in the subsequent speed-dating session. Application Deadline is September 19th.
Young Talents Eligibility
Young talents participating in the High Potentials must have a maximum of 2 years working experience in agencies, design studios or other visual communication companies, and be a member of the ADC Switzerland. Chosen candidates will receive a maximum of 150€ travel stipend and hotel accommodation for 2 days in a shared twin room.
Application Process
1. Select 1 outstanding piece from your personal work. (work to be presented if selected).
2. Prepare your portfolio +
High Potentials2019_ApplicationForm.pdf
3. Send them to on or before 19th September.
Final Selection
All portfolios and works will be reviewed by the High Potential’s Director Hans-Peter Albrecth to make the final selection. The 2019 High Potentials will be announced and contacted by email on 1st October.Candidates are strictly asked to present live and personally. Presentations can be supported by images and/or short videos
ADCE Festival Program
The 6th European Creativity Festival will take place from 8 -9 November 2019 in Barcelona. Selected participants are invited to all the programmed activities. Friday 8 or Saturday 9 Nov (to be defined): 5th High Potentials session + Speed-dating with HR & senior creatives.
19th September: Deadline Applications @ ADC Switzerland
1st October: Announcement Final Selection
Friday 8 or Saturday 9 Nov (to be defined): 5th High Potentials session + Speed-dating with HR & senior creatives.